School - Centax Corp.
Earned Income Tax, Per Capita Tax
& Occupational Resident Taxes

Located in the PT Municipal Building, Municipal complex
Hours: Mon 9:30-1:00 and 1:30-6:00
Wed. 11-2:30 and 3:30-6:30 Closed Tues & Thurs

744-0104 or 744-0107

Emergency and Municipal Services Tax, Larry Wojcik - Located in the PT Municipal Building, Municipal complex.
Effective 1/1/06: Any person, over age 18, having gross earnings of over $12,000 must pay this tax. This includes both resident and non-resident individuals who are employed or self-employed within Penn Township. The tax amount is $52.00. Employers in Penn Township are required to withhold this tax from an employee's pay and forward it to the tax collector within 30 days from the end of the quarter. Employers are required to withhold this tax from all employees. Those employees having annual earnings of less than $12,000, derived from all sources of income, may apply for a refund of the tax in the calendar year following payment of the tax. Self-employed individuals are required to pay this tax at the beginning of the year, but may also apply for a refund of the tax in the calendar year following payment of the tax if their annual earnings are less than $12,000. The Emergency and Municipal Services Tax replaces the previous $10.00 Occupational Privilege Tax.

Real Estate Taxes - Larry Wojcik - Located in the PT Municipal Bldg.

If you did not receive your tax form, please call the tax office at 744-1414. If your statement should have gone to your mortgage company, please contact the tax office.

Hours: Mon-Thursdays 8:30-4:30
Closed Fridays (except during last tax weeks)

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